Canyoning Around Manali

It’s a thrilling and exciting water sport in Manali between abseiling and rappelling. Canyoning is an amazing full body and mind experience that enables you to explore some of the last forbidden places in the Himalayas. Our aim is to allow others to discover this beautiful region without disturbing neither its landscape nor its deeply spiritual population. And talk about fun! Challenge yourself in ways you’d never dreamed of. Plunge down water polished chutes and abseil down waterfalls. The canyon will show you an entirely different, inaccessible face of the Kullu valley. Expert Canyoning guides will lead you in abseiling, climbing, and sliding down steep canyon walls and waterfalls to deep pools below, through intimate passages of contorted rock and powerful blasts of water.

Despite all the fun and games, this sport requires the guidance of an expert. Our instructors are experienced canyoneers and believe that the practice of safe canyoning necessitates the proper gear, continual vigilance and an excellent knowledge of these remarkable places.

Site- Vashith
Grade – Easy to Moderate
Best time - April to September
Heights- Minimum 10mtrs and maximum 40mtrs
Total – 4 water fall
Distance- 30 min walk from road